

1. How long have you been working with the iXpress program?
I’ve been working with I Xpress for 5 years. With 4 different teachers.

2. Why do you make art?
I like art because I move my hands. I like paint to and make colors. I like to feel the brush to make different colors. I paint boats, buses, trees, houses.

3. How do you feel when you paint?
I feel great. I feel happy cause when you help and keep me on task I finish a painting. People tell me I do a good job.

4. What would you change about iXpress if you could?
I would paint more and faster.


Fakemidnight said...

Steve's painting that he is working on is amazing! Is has really made great progress.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous paintings! I especially love the use of the darker rich colors! Keep up the good work!